samedi 8 décembre 2012

[PEOPLE] Lindsay vend ses vêtements.

  Photo : Lawyer Expects Lindsay Lohan To Be Cleared Of NYC Assault Charge

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Caption Lindsay Lohan was charged Thursday with crimes in New York and Los Angeles, marking her latest setbacks as she tries to revive her career and avoid a return to jail.

Prosecutors in Santa Monica charged Lohan with three misdemeanors related to a June accident. Hours earlier, the actress was arrested andcharged with third-degree assault, also a misdemeanor, after a woman was punched in a New York City nightclub.

The California charges came about six months after Lohan’s Porsche crashed into the back of a dump truck. She told police her assistant was driving, but detectives now believe the actress was behind the wheel as she headed to a movie set.

In that case, Lohan, 26, was charged with lying to police, reckless driving and obstructing a police officer from performing duties.

Lohan’s California attorney, Shawn Holley, did not return messages seeking comment.

In New York, her attorney Mark Heller said he expects the assault charge to be dismissed.

“Once again, Lindsay Lohan is a victim of someone trying to capture their 15 minutes of fame,” Heller wrote in a statement. “From my initial investigation, I am completely confident that this case will be concluded favorably and that Lindsay will be totally exonerated.”

The California charges could trigger another probation violation for Lohan, who was ordered to stay out of trouble when she was released from supervised probation in March after being convicted of the misdemeanor theft of a necklace and two DUI charges.

Since then she has been arrested twice in New York, crashed her car on Pacific Coast Highway, been treated by paramedics in her hotel room, and gotten in an argument with her mother that prompted a 911 call.

None of the events are likely what the clearly relieved actress anticipated in March when she thanked Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner, who warned the actress that she could face up to 245 days in jail if she violated her probation again.

“You need to live your life in a more mature way, stop the nightclubbing and focus on your work,” Sautner said.

In recent years, Lohan has been sentenced to the Los Angeles-area women’s jail five times. Most of her stays have been short due to overcrowding, and she was allowed to serve 35 days on house arrest in 2011.

Lately, Lohan has been filming two movies and doing a cameo in the latest installment of the “Scary Movie” franchise. The first film, “Liz&Dick,” premiered Sunday night on Lifetime to mostly negative reviews.

She was on her way to shoot scenes for “Liz&Dick” in June when her Porsche crashed into the dump truck and the actress was briefly hospitalized. A week later, paramedics were summoned to her hotel room. Her then-publicist Steve Honig attributed the health scare to exhaustion and dehydration.

Lohan relocated to New York after finishing her work on “Liz and Dick” and a Bret Easton Ellis film titled “The Canyons” was complete.

Her arrest at 4 a.m. EST Thursday was the latest by New York police since September, when a man accused her of hitting him with her car. Prosecutors did not pursue charges.

The following month, police were called to Lohan’s childhood home on Long Island after a report of a fight between her and her mother. An investigation revealed what authorities called “no criminality.”

On Thursday, police said Lohan got into a spat with a woman at Club Avenue in the Chelsea area of Manhattan. The woman was punched in the face and did not require medical attention, authorities said.

It remains unclear when Lohan will return to Los Angeles. No court date was announced for the crash-related charges.

People charged with misdemeanors in California can generally avoid court appearances if they have an attorney, but Lohan would have to be present for a probation violation hearing.

Alors que ses comptes bancaires ont été saisis en raison d'impôts impayés, Lindsay Lohan doit trouver de l'argent.

Charlie Sheen lui a donné 100 000 $, mais c'est insuffisant, alors qu'elle doit 233 904 $.

Elle a donc demandé à sa soeur Ali de se rendre à un magasin avec des vêtements et accessoires griffés afin de récolter de l'argent.

Une source raconte à RadarOnline qu'Ali a été grandement déçue par le montant offert par le gérant du magasin, qui était bien en dessous de ce qu'elle attendait.

Elle aurait même tenté de faire grimper la valeur des articles en énumérant les occasions où sa sœur avait été photographiée les portant, mais l'homme est demeuré ferme sur sa position.
On ignore cependant le montant total recueilli par cette vente.

L'argent n'est pas le seul souci de la starlette, alors qu'elle est accusée d'agression pour une histoire qui date de quelques semaines. On lui reproche aussi d'avoir menti aux policiers concernant un accident de voiture survenu en juin dernier.

Ses proches lui demandent également de retourner en cure de désintoxication, ce qu'elle refuse.